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literal goldstein moment

After a few nights of sleep, I've realised that I've probably been a little rash and brazen. I don't think the town is doomed. I still see hope in the town, and I want it to thrive. I think.

But I'm going to be honest. One might even call me Frank. There is a stigma in the town. An educated literature student such as Widjaja might describe there being a positive(thanks christian), cutthroat attitudes prevalent in the context of the town.

Why do I find this so bad? It's not because I have anything wrong with such environments. They are fine for like corporate offices and the likes. But not here. In a place that was built on the values of co-operation and equality, this environment cannot be allowed to thrive, and to sit idly by and let it prosper is a betrayal of the original cause.

About that whole new town thing. I think I may have misconstrued what I meant by that. My bad fellas. By a new town, I don't mean I'm gonna copy paste the general structure of the current town, recruit new people, and start fresh. In line (haha latex joke) with the big new project thing I've been thinking about, the "town" as I was talking about is not a town in the sense that I may have implied(once again, my bad). The "town" I was referring to was actually intended to be made entirely by me. It would be a showcase of my works as I strive to achieve a greater goal. To achieve what the town dreamed of but never reached. Details later.

Wait. God dammit. Instead of writing a manifesto I made one of the md messages again. Ah. My medicine has been running low so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyways, here is the manifesto

  1. Direct democracy

    • Every member gets one vote. Members can submit proposals for town policy. If a member is unavailable while a vote happens, it is assumed their vote is a no.
    • You may argue "oh what if its an emergency?" It's the town. We are literally just an analogy. There can't possible be an emergency other than exams, to which I say I'm sure if you really need a missing person's vote just wait like a day or so
  2. Collaboration

    • Contrary to popular belief, I strongly believe in collaboration(yes I am now just realising how unenglish that sounds, bear with me(haha bear 🐻)) and open-sourced-ness on websites. But as Christian has demonstrated, we have reached a point where once one uploads to the internet, they have lost control of their stuff. Yes, sounds familiar right? That's what the omega chad Paul Litherland said. Now, as I'm sure everyone will agree, what Litherland is saying is not wrong. Now, we can't change how the social medias operate. But we can change how we operate. And so, my proposal is that collaboration can exist in the town, in a safe and bubbly and happy and awesome and poggies environment. People can share their work without have their work ridiculed, and most importantly taken without consent.
  3. Rights of the member

    • This goes hand in hand with point 2. For a safe and genial(google this) social order, I think it is fitting to give rights to each and every member. Christian may argue this and say "huh duh rights bad". Fine. Call them privileges. They are build on the same principle as Christian's "privileges", but instead they are called "rights". Why are they called rights? So when someone breaks the rules I can say "all you have now are lefts". Funny. Humour.
    • Hence, I propose the town member have the following rights:
      • Right to property: Members of the town reserve full intellectual rights to their property. This applies even after said property has been uploaded to their website, and their github repository (or other mediums(haha physics) of an online presence)
      • Right to respect: Members have their own right to be respected. No slander on the websites.
      • Right to equality: Once a member of the town, they can only lose their membership by their own volition. Hence, member proposals that work to diminish or remove another member's position in the town is not poggies and not cool.
        • Exception A: Members that break rules(slander is considered a breach of right to respect) can be kicked out by proposal. This is essentially point 4.
      • {{add more rights here}}: you can add rights! just approve of this manifesto and propose away (not propose as in marriage propose(that would be odd))
  4. Punishment (oh no scary)

    • Punishment is a scary word. Hence, I will not be proposing very harsh punishments. Other than breaking the above tenets can result in being removed or suspended as a member of a town. By suspended I literally mean timeout or something in the group chat. This can be appealed of course. At any time, and anyways the members of the town as a whole decide the punishment and duration.
  5. Who shall enforce this?

    • No one. I'm writing this proposal not to make some centralised dictatorship over the town (trust me guys the whole mayo title thing was a joke). I just wanted to set in writing some ideals for the town that I felt were it's original values, and hope that they will be adhered to.

Before I end, I would like to say that I have no intention of shoving this agenda down people's throat. Of course, elections exist for a reason, and this manifesto will serve as my campaign points. You have every right to disagree with them, or agree with them and vote for another candidate (christian obviously) for other reasons.

I'm not doing this out of spite. I'm not doing this out of pity. I'm not doing this for myself. I'm doing it for the town. The way I see it, sooner or later the contrast between the present town and the past will widen, and as a result, the town will fall apart, just like most of the other projects(See FTH). I don't want that. I want the town to prosper so I can integrate it into my greater project.

If you are considering voting for me, please read this fully! The one thing I hate more than centrists are people who support politicians that actively work against their own interests. You all have a right to pursue your own goals, and so transparency is a focal point of my campaign.

With love(but now for dasindu cause i kinda need his vote(this is a joke i would like to re-iterate: no plans for rigged eleections))


hope it gets implemented