Table of Contents


The evidence that the big bang may be real...

Doppler Effect


This was first figured out for sound. But since light have wave-like properties, then light can also do this!!!!

But to get an appreciable shift from the Doppler effect, the source must be moving quite fast.

Note that if its going at the same speed as the wavefronts propagate, you get a bunch of interference, called a sonic boom. (boom boom) (only for sound duh top ten questions why cant things with mass go at the speed of light!?!??!?!1)


And then, if you go even faster (only for sound lol) you get funny cones.

helpy 3

Doppler effect but light

Spectral lines are fr

Hence, if we can detect these lines and compare them with our own, we can get a sense of which way our neighbouring friendly objects are going! (Hubbling time)

A few definitions about astronomy

Measuring distance with angles and eyes

i.e. 1 Parsec = $\frac{1.496 \times 10^8}{\tan\left( \frac{1}{3600} \right)}=3.09\times 10^{13}km$ (Can use a similar calculation to find it in ly)

Back to Hubble's law

So Hubble collected some data, and found that its literally a straight line!

He realised that the galaxies were moving away from us at velocities which are proportional (Hubble's constant, $H_{0}$) to their distance from us!!!!?!?

And thus:

$$\begin{align} v= H_{0}d \end{align} $$

(my mind is blown)

Here, $H_{0}=71kms^{-1}MPc^{-1}$. If you're doing a question, you gotta convert these things to get $\frac{1}{H_{0}}$... why would you want $\frac{1}{H_{0}}$? To be shown soooon.

SO what does Hubble's law indicate? The universe is expanding!!! But its not that stuff expands into places with stuff in there already. Space itself is literally expanding as a finite thing growing in space which is unknown.

This is opposed to the idea that expansion requires matter production. Why? No clue.

The endgame

Thus, the only way to explain Hubble's law is the Big Bang. i.e. all space, matter (and time) originated from an infinitesimally small singularity.

But there's a few other things that suggest the Big Bang:

  1. Expansion then contraction (big crunch)
  2. Steady rate of expansion
  3. Accelerated expansion $\checkmark$ (??? that's what the recent stuff suggests)

\begin{align} E&=\frac{mc^2}{\sqrt{ 1-\frac{v^2}{c^2} }} \ \text{For }v=c, E&=\frac{mc^2}{\sqrt{ 1-\frac{c^2}{c^2} }} \ &=\frac{mc^2}{\sqrt{ 1-1 }} \ &=\frac{mc^2}{0} \ \text{Hence for }m\neq 0,E&= \infty \text{ which is impossible.} \end{align}



  1. $$$$