Table of Contents


Norrie recommends this website.

Norrie also recommends hyperphysics!!!

Fundamental (elementary) particles

These properties are important to memorise for test:

Fermion properties



Quark generations

1st Generation

2nd Generation

3rd Generation


We notate antimatter, by putting a line on top of it, with the exception of an electron/position! For example, anti-up is $\bar{u}$, anti-charm is $\bar{c}$.

The antiparticle of an electron is a positron. But p is for proton. So:

$$\begin{align} \text{Electrons: } e^- \\ \text{Positrons: } e^+ \end{align} $$


Quarks join together to produce hadrons, due to the strong force (mediated by gluons) holding them together.

Hadrons are thus any combination of quarks There are 2 common hadrons:

Please note that mesons are bosons, NOT fermions. This is because they have an interger spin, which fits the definition of a boson.


Quark Charge
$u$ $+\frac{2}{3}$
$d$ $-\frac{1}{3}$


$$\begin{align} \text{Protons (+1): } uud\implies \frac{2}{3}+\frac{2}{3}+ -\frac{1}{3}=+1 \ \checkmark \\ \text{Neutron (0): } udd \implies \frac{2}{3}+ -\frac{1}{3} + - \frac{1}{3}=0 \ \checkmark \end{align} $$


Photon - No mass - Electromagnetic force Gluons - No mass - Strong force W&Z bosons - Mass - Weak force Graviton2 (?????) - ??? - Gravity, if we could figure out if it exists...

Higgs boson - Mass - Mediates mass. Note that it has 0 spin. LHC - Massive particle - High energy The Higgs boson accounts for the mass in all other particles and solves a bunch of random issues.


  1. Note that we notate the leptons as such: $e, \mu, \tau, \upsilon_{e},\upsilon_{\mu},\upsilon_{\tau}$.

  2. Note that the graviton is theoretical.