Table of Contents


Young's double slit experiment

Photoelectric effect - uh oh waves

Wave properties

Hence, the photoelectric effect is where light acts as a particle.

Photoelectric but better (experiment)

Different frequencies - system conducts electricity (current is created) when light is shone above a certain frequency (Threshold frequency($f_{0}$)), which is different for different metals.

By reversing the terminals and turning up the voltage, eventually the current produced from the photoelectric effect will be stopped. This is called the stopping voltage ($V_{o}$.

As a result:

Past test question

$$\begin{align} E=hf,c=f\lambda \\ \therefore E=\frac{hc}{\lambda} \\ =\frac{6.63\times 10^{-34}\times 3 \times 10^8}{600\times 10^{-9}} \\ =3.32\times 10^{-19}J \\ P=\frac{E}{t}\therefore E=Pt = 2 \times 1 = 2J \\ \therefore \text{n(Photons)}=\frac{2}{3.32\times 10^{-19}} \\ =6.03\times 10^{18} \end{align} $$


$$\begin{align} \text{As }E&=hf, \\ \text{Max } E_{k}&=hf-W \\ \text{When }f=&f_{0}, \text{ }Ek=0 \\ \therefore 0&=hf_{0}-W \\ W&=hf_{0} \\ \text{But }W&=Vq \\ \therefore f_{0}&=\frac{Vq}{h} \end{align} $$