Table of Contents




Note, don't just say "rhyme scheme is this". You gotta explain what effect this has!




Cummings' Sonnets

Ezra Pound Make it new

So what makes a sonnet a sonnet? Who knows. (No concrete label)

Cummings plays around with the form, and specifically punctuation and grammar. And excessive enjambment.

Things to think about

  1. Cummings abandons the traditional structure of the Petrarchan sonnet…
  2. Cummings forgoes the strict rhythm and rhyme of the Shakespearean sonnet in order to…
  3. The sonnet form is associated with the Renaissance period but shares many thematic concerns with the Romantics. Cummings, a traditionalist in many senses, manipulates the conventions of the form in order to…
  4. Ezra Pound’s maxim, “make it new”, is the hallmark of the literary modernist movement. Cummings’ reworkings of the sonnet form allow him to…
  5. While experimenting with the physical layout of the poem, Cummings still adheres to the structural elements of typical sonnets with the latter part of the poem being a reflection on the earlier lines and a volta, of sorts, occurring in...

You can swap out Cummings for (T.S) Elliot for further thinky.