Table of Contents


Important current Issues

报纸 bào zhǐ /newspaper/newsprint/ 生气 shēng qì /to get angry; to be furious/vitality; liveliness/ 没办法 méi bàn fǎ /there is nothing to be done/one can't do anything about it/ 只好 zhǐ hǎo /to have no other option but to ...; to have to; to be forced to/ 唱片 chàng piàn /gramophone record/LP/music CD/musical album/CL:张/ 只要 zhǐ yào /if only/so long as/ 海报 hǎi bào /poster/playbill/notice/ 办法 bàn fǎ /means/method/way (of doing sth)/CL:条/

盛行 shèng xíng /to be in vogue; to be popular; to be prevalent/