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I won't organise the previous lessons

几乎 fr important in listening 连。。。都/也

e.g. 黄老师用微信。

连黄老师都/也不用微信 very unexpected, very unusual

Note that 最近(recently)generally means recent couple days. You can also say 最近几年(recent years).

改变 (v,n)

。。。不足 means something is insufficient, e.g. 时间不足, 能力不足, 自律不足 足够 zú gòu /enough; sufficient/

缺乏睡眠 and 睡眠不足 are equivalent.

certified very good words:

new lesson



alcohol time!

染上 works with 不良行为

e.g. 染上抽烟和酗酒的不良行为

怂恿 - usually negative, but can be positive


酒精 jiǔ jīng alcoholic (wipes, not the other one)

hard one: 酷 cool (loanword moment)

爱喝酒的 (adj) 酗酒的酷 (adj)

成谜喝酒的 be addicted to drinking

同辈人 same generation people 沉迷于抽烟


电子烟 e-cigarette 抽电子烟 to use e-cigarette

导致 for lead to sickness we use this 造成 not this 产生 generate/produce

e.g. 产生疾病

疾病 jí bìng /disease; sickness; ailment/


but if using 戒掉 you gotta have the whole thing e.g. 戒掉陈欧言, 戒掉酗酒 不良行为习惯

发育 develop

like 发展, but we only use 发育 for 身体 (身体发育)

e.g. 。。。 社区/社会/经济 发展

有利,有弊 are friends!

对。。。有害, 对。。。有益 are friends!

and also, 益处,害处 are friends!!!

吸二手烟 禁止 prohibit, ban 吸烟区 非 means not in 非吸烟区 禁烟去,禁 means forbidden!!!!

most of the time, we use 同辈压力,but we can sometimes (rarely) say 同侪压力 (esp in listening!!)


羡慕 be careful when writing 慕


流行 trendy

A欺负B A bullies B

Good way to use passive!


A好欺负 (adj), A looks easy to bully :( (very soft)

霸凌 欺凌

(noun AND verb!)

网络霸凌 online bullying!

取笑 negative

排气 excluded

攀比 bit hard to write, practice (verb and noun) "comparison mentality"