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Don't use 也 to start second part of sentence, use 并,而且,并且,还有。

追星族 zhuī xīng zú /enthusiastic fan/ 当今 dāng jīn /the present time/ 粉丝 fěn sī /fan (loanword)/enthusiast for sb or sth/ 崇拜 chóng bài /to worship/adoration/ 追逐 zhuī zhú /to chase/to pursue vigorously/ 演艺 yǎn yì /performing arts/ 竭尽 jié jìn /to use up/to exhaust/ 所能 suǒ néng /according to one's capabilities/what sb is capable of/ 偶像 ǒu xiàng /idol/ 穷追 qióng zhuī /to pursue relentlessly/ 不舍 bù shě /reluctant to part with (sth or sb); unwilling to let go of/ 某 mǒu /some/a certain/sb or sth indefinite/such-and-such/ 影星 yǐng xīng /film star/ 追随 zhuī suí /to follow/to accompany/ 足迹 zú jì /footprint/track/spoor/ 模仿 mó fǎng /to imitate/to copy/to emulate/to mimic/model/ 服饰 fú shì /apparel/clothing and personal adornment/ 想尽办法 xiǎng jǐn bàn fǎ /Leave no stone unturned/(GT) 渠道 qú dào /means/ 收集 shōu jí /to gather/to collect/ 私人情况 sī rén qíng kuàng /private situation/ 恋爱情史 liàn ài qíng shǐ /romantic history/(GT) 亲眼见 qīn yǎn jiàn /See with your own eyes/(GT) 公共场合 gōng gòng chǎng hé /public places/(GT) 拥抱狂呼 yōng bào kuáng hū /Hug and shout/(GT) 患上 huàn shang /to come down with; to be afflicted with (an illness)/ 梦幻症 mèng huàn zhèng /dream syndrome/(GT) 轻生 qīng shēng /a suicide/to commit suicide/ 无疑 wú yí /undoubtedly; without doubt; for sure/ 正常 zhèng cháng /regular/normal/ordinary/ 年龄段 nián líng duàn /age group/ 特点 tè diǎn /characteristic (feature)/trait/feature/CL:个/ 从众 cóng zhòng /to follow the crowd/to conform/ 不愿 bù yuàn /unwilling/ 落伍 luò wǔ /to fall behind the ranks/to be outdated/