Table of Contents


Sussy writing characters




In contrast, 因而=因此


Chinese tier list fr 优 - 优美,优秀 良 - 优良,良好(习惯,成绩) 中 差/坏

The conclusion template: 只要。。。就可以了。 比如:只要做好自己就可以。

The certified good introduction: 网络超越空间的限制让天南地北的人联系在一起,快乐的交流和沟通。

他人 tā rén /another person; sb else; other people/

When doing speech/article/blog, and you wanna say 你, don't! Use inclusive language:

朋友遍天下 péng yǒu biàn tiān xià /Friends all over the world/(GT)

实现 shí xiàn /to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about/

Text type (email letters)

Do this (its best fr) 祝好!

The chars

关掉 guān diào /to switch off; to shut off/ 生气 shēng qì /to get angry; to be furious/vitality; liveliness/ 失去 shī qù /to lose/ 最优 zuì yōu /optimal/optimum/ 限制 xiàn zhì /to restrict/to limit/to confine/restriction/limit/CL:个/

难道 nán dào /don't tell me .../could it be that...?/ - isn't it that??!??! (huang laoshi approved :)) 虚拟 xū nǐ /to imagine; to make up/fictitious; theoretical; hypothetical/(computing) to emulate/(computing) virtual/ 不可靠 bù kě kào /unreliable/ 身份 shēn fèn /identity/aspect of one's identity (i.e. sth that one is – mayor, father, permanent resident etc)/role/capacity (as in "in his capacity as a ..." 以…的身份)/status (social, legal etc)/position/rank/ 超越 chāo yuè /to surpass; to exceed; to transcend/

天南地北 tiān nán dì běi /far apart/from different places; from all over/(to talk) about this and that/

却 què /but/yet/however/while/to go back/to decline/to retreat/nevertheless/even though/ 到底 dào dǐ /finally/in the end/when all is said and done/after all/to the end/to the last/ 如此 rú cǐ /like this; so; such/ 疏远 shū yuǎn /to drift apart/to become estranged/to alienate/estrangement/ (?) 靠 kào /to lean against or on/to stand by the side of/to come near to/to depend on/to trust/ 内心 nèi xīn /heart; innermost being/(math.) incenter/

可怕 kě pà /awful/dreadful/fearful/formidable/horrible/terrible/terribly/ 怕 pà /to be afraid/to fear/to dread/to be unable to endure/perhaps/

建立 jiàn lì /to establish/to set up/to found/ 良好 liáng hǎo /good/favorable/well/fine/

诉说 sù shuō /to recount/to tell of/to relate/(fig.) (of a thing) to stand as testament to (some past history)/

度过 dù guò /to pass/to spend (time)/to survive/to get through/ 难关 nán guān /difficulty/crisis/

重新 chóng xīn /again; once more; re-/ 找回 zhǎo huí /to retrieve/ 自信 zì xìn /to have confidence in oneself/self-confidence/

泄漏 xiè lòu /(of a liquid or gas) to leak/to divulge; to leak (information)/ 隐私 yǐn sī /secrets/private business/privacy/

一举两得 yī jǔ liǎng dé /one move, two gains (idiom); two birds with one stone/

今后 jīn hòu /hereafter/henceforth/in the future/from now on/ 求求 qiú qiú /please/(GT)

朋友遍天下 péng yǒu biàn tiān xià /Friends all over the world/(GT)