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The writey!

You are one of the members of the student council. You are going to give a speech about how high school students could live healthily. In your speech, you should provide two suggestions.

Ms Huang thoughts

节奏 tempo -> pace 基础 squeeze 配合 cooperate

协调 compromise? work together? agree together?!?!?! 传递 chuán dì to pass on information

全家 quán jiā popularise?


奖励 jiǎng lì /to reward/reward (as encouragement)/

优惠 - discount 措施 - solutions (???)

Very important grammar point!

Para 1

节奏 jié zòu /rhythm/tempo/musical pulse/cadence/beat/ 挤出 jǐ chū /to squeeze out/to extrude/to drain/to find the time/to burst out/ 从而 cóng ér /thus/thereby/ 忽略 hū lüè /to neglect; to overlook; to ignore/ 配合 pèi hé /matching/fitting in with/compatible with/to correspond/to fit/to conform to/rapport/to coordinate with/to act in concert with/to cooperate/to become man and wife/to combine parts of machine/ 鼓励 gǔ lì /to encourage/ 港人 gǎng rén /Hong Kong person or people/ 局 jú /office/situation/classifier for games: match, set, round etc/ 举办 jǔ bàn /to conduct/to hold/ 全民 quán mín /entire population (of a country)/

Para 2

推广 tuī guǎng /to extend/to spread/to popularize/generalization/promotion (of a product etc)/ 亲子 qīn zǐ /parent and child/parent-child (relationship)/two successive generations/ 投入 tóu rù /to throw into/to put into/to throw oneself into/to participate in/to invest in/absorbed/engrossed/ 融入 róng rù /to blend into/to integrate/to assimilate/to merge/ 设施 shè shī /facilities/installation/ gōng /to provide; to supply/to be for (the use or convenience of)/ 在户外 zài hù wài /outdoors/ 享受 xiǎng shòu /to enjoy/to live it up/pleasure/CL:種种/

Para 3

食无定时 shí wú dìng shí /No regular meals/(GT) 写照 xiě zhào /portrayal/ 精力 jīng lì /energy/

出现 chū xiàn /to appear/to arise/to emerge/to show up/ 亚健康症状 yà jiàn kāng zhèng zhuàng /Sub-health symptoms/(GT) - second level health

邀请 yāo qǐng /to invite/invitation/CL:个/

教导 jiào dǎo /to instruct/to teach/guidance/teaching/

奖励 jiǎng lì /to reward/reward (as encouragement)/

应用程序 yìng yòng chéng xù /(computing) program/application/

热量 rè liàng /heat/quantity of heat/calorific value/ 消耗 xiāo hào /to consume; to use up/to deplete; to expend/(old) news; mail; message/

热量消耗 rè liàng xiāo hào /Calorie consumption/(GT)

协调 xié tiáo /to coordinate/to harmonize/to fit together/to match (colors etc)/harmonious/concerted/

传递 chuán dì /to transmit; to pass on to sb else/(math.) transitive/

优惠 yōu huì /privilege/favorable (terms)/preferential (treatment)/discount (price)/ 措施 cuò shī /measure/step/CL:个/