Table of Contents


离家出走 lí jiā chū zǒu /to leave home (to live somewhere else)/

现象 荒废 huāng fèi /to neglect (one's work or study)/

Important conjunction alert! 因。。。而。。。

自我减压 - reduce the stress by oneself!

If you are writing a letter for stimulus writing: 如果你/青少年/同学们/年轻人想自我减压。。。

批评 pī píng /to criticize; criticism/

挨批 ái pī /to be criticized/to suffer blame/ - passive voice

打架 dǎ jià /to fight/to scuffle/to come to blows/CL:场/

向往 xiàng wǎng /to look forward to (黄老师 approved 👍)

密切 mì qiè /close/familiar/intimate/closely (related)/to foster close ties/to pay close attention/

搞卫生 gǎo wèi shēng /cleaning/ (黄老师 approved 👍) 搞好 gǎo hǎo /to do well at/to do a good job/

家庭教育 jiā tíng jiào yù /family education/ (黄老师 approved 👍)

饮食起居 is the same as: 衣食住行 yī shí zhù xíng /clothing, food, housing and transport (idiom); people's basic needs/

教导 jiào dǎo /to instruct/to teach/guidance/teaching/

换位思考 huàn wèi sī kǎo /to put oneself in sb else’s shoes/

尊重 zūn zhòng /to esteem/to respect/to honor/to value/eminent/serious/proper/

Be careful when writing 沟通.