Table of Contents


追求 zhuī qiú /to pursue (a goal etc) stubbornly/to seek after/to woo/ 追星 zhuī xīng /to chase the stars or celebrities/ (黄老师 approved 👍)

体育名姓 凌晨 líng chén /very early in the morning/in the wee hours/

打瞌睡 dǎ kē shuì /to doze off/

Things to 追星:

私人飞机 sī rén fēi jī /private plane/ (黄老师 approved 👍) 潮流 cháo liú /trends/ (黄老师 approved 👍) 流行 liú xíng /(of a style of clothing, song etc) popular/ (黄老师 approved 👍)

恶习 è xí /bad habit/vice/ (黄老师 mega approved 👍)

良好/好习惯 vs 坏/不良习惯

Verbs for 习惯:

纹身 wén shēn /tattoo/ 大耳洞 dà ěr dòng /Big ear piercing/

引人注意 yǐn rén zhù yì /to attract attention/

零花钱 líng huā qián /pocket money/allowance/

Some revision things:

相关 xiāng guān /related/

Why to work:


时髦 shí máo /in vogue/fashionable/trendy/ (黄老师 approved 👍)

损坏 sǔn huài /to damage/to injure/ - to harm (黄老师 approved 👍)

Harm things 💀:

Control things 🤡:

赶时髦 gǎn shí máo /to keep up with the latest fashion/ 道路 dào lù /road/path/way/

身材 shēn cái /stature/build (height and weight)/figure/

高高瘦瘦 gāo gāo shòu shòu /tall and thin/

偏重 piān zhòng /overweight/ (黄老师 approved 👍) 偏瘦 piān shòu /Thin/ (黄老师 approved 👍)

水煮蛋 shuǐ zhǔ dàn /boiled egg/soft-boiled egg/ - crazy