Table of Contents


The test feedbacky

担心 dān xīn to worry (v.) $\implies$担忧 dān yōu worries (n.)

乐于助人 lè yú zhù rén /willing to help others/ 上进 shàng jìn /look for improvement/ (黄老师 approved 👍)

负责 fù zé /to be responsible for; to be in charge of; to bear responsibility for/conscientious/

调查 diào chá /survey/CL:项 xiàng,个 gè/

恐惧 kǒng jù /to be frightened/fear/ (黄老师 approved 👍) 障碍 zhàng ài /barrier/obstruction/hindrance/impediment/obstacle/

谁 shéi $\implies$ WHOOOOOMMM 抑郁症 yì yù zhèng /clinical depression/

一举两得 yī jǔ liǎng dé /one move, two gains (idiom); two birds with one stone/

The very depressing mark