Table of Contents


作笔记 zuò bǐ jì /to take notes/ 日记 rì jì /diary/CL:则,本,篇/ 用平板电脑做笔记 yòng píng bǎn diàn nǎo zuò bǐ jì /Take notes with tablet/


组织 zǔ zhī /to organize/organization/(biology) tissue/(textiles) weave/CL:个 讲座 jiǎng zuò /course of lectures; lecture series/chair (academic position)/ e.g. 组织{{}}讲座

a) chernobyl老师 b) 职员 c) 老人院

邀请 yāo qǐng /to invite/invitation/CL:个/ 职员 zhí yuán /office worker/staff member/CL:个,位/ 机构 jī gòu /mechanism/structure/organization/agency/institution/CL:所/

博士 bó shì /doctor (as an academic degree)/(old) person specialized in a skill or trade/(old) court academician/ 商科 shāng kē /business studies/ 学位 xué wèi /academic degree/place in school/ 学士 xué shì /bachelor's degree/person holding a university degree/ 工商管理硕士 gōng shāng guǎn lǐ shuò shì /Master of Business Administration (MBA)/ 工科 gōng kē /engineering as an academic subject/ 文科 wén kē /liberal arts/humanities/ 理科 lǐ kē /the sciences (as opposed to the humanities 文科)/ 硕士 shuò shì /master's degree/person who has a master's degree/learned person/


研究 yán jiū /research/a study/CL:项/to research/to look into/ 伸张正义 shēn zhāng zhèng yì /fight for justice/




