Table of Contents


充分就业 chōng fèn jiù yè /full employment/ 就业 jiù yè /to get a job/employment/

高考 gāo kǎo /college entrance exam/ 考试 kǎo shì /to take an exam/exam/CL:次[ci4]/ 测验 cè yàn /test/to test/CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]/ 月考 yuè kǎo /monthly exam/ 文科 wén kē /liberal arts/humanities/ 理科 lǐ kē /the sciences/

期待 qī dài /to look forward to/to await/expectation/ (v.) 期望 qī wàng /to have expectations/to earnestly hope/expectation/hope/ (v./n.)

就快 jiù kuài /about to/

快 is important for WACE!


留学 liú xué /to study abroad/

Hard decision: 艰难 jiān nán /difficult/hard/challenging/


Use the cool structure: 一边。。。一边。。。 e.g. 一边上大学一边打工/打零工/做兼职

The jobs

Reminder: 家 for the ians, 师 for the ers. (? probably not :()