Table of Contents


Chapter 7: Circle geo

Geometric Proofs

Things you are assumed to know already


The definition of a circle:

A circle is the set of all points at a given distance $r$ from a given point $O$ called the centre.

We define two arcs on the circle as the lengths of the circle separated by two points on the circle. If they are not diametrically opposite, there will be a minor and major arc.

Similarly, the slices of the circle made by the points are two sectors (can be major and minor sectors).

If you join two lines together across the circle, then you create a chord (the line), and the line separates the circle into two segments (once again, if not diametrically opposite you get major and minor segments)

Subtending: The minor arc $AB$ subtends the angle $AOB$ at the centre.

Circle Theorems

  1. An angle at the centre is twice the angle at the circumference subtended by the same arc.


  1. Angles in a semicircle are right angles.

  1. Angles in the same segment are equal.
  1. A cyclic quadrilateral is a quadrilateral whose vertices all lie on the same circle. Opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary.