Table of Contents


Multiplication of vectors

The "scalar product of vectors" is a very important

There are many ways of defining the product of two vectors.

e.g. $(3i + 2j) \times (4i-6j)= (3 \times 4)i+(2\times-6)j$

The Scalar Product

It follows the scalar product of two vectors $a$, $b$ are defined as: $a\cdot{b}=|a||b|\cos \theta$

Where $\theta$ is the angle between vectors arranged tail-to-tail or nose-to-nose.

Scalar product is always $\vec{a} \cdot \vec{b}$, NOT $\vec{a}\times \vec{b}$!

Why? $a\times b$ for vectors is actually the cross product, not the scalar product!{b}

Also, $ab$ is not a way of saying the dot product. It could be either dot or cross product.


When you take the dot product of two vectors, you get a real number.

Algebraic Properties

Also, important!


A different way of calculating scalar product: "The miracle of component form"

For the two vectors $ai+bj,ci+dj$ $(a\vec{i}+b\vec{j})\cdot(c\vec{i}+d\vec{j})=(a\vec{i})\cdot(c\vec{i})+(a\vec{i})\cdot(d\vec{j})+(b\vec{j})\cdot(c\vec{i})+(b\vec{j})\cdot(d\vec{j})$ $=ac(\vec{i}\cdot\vec{i})+ad(\vec{i}\cdot\vec{j})+bc(\vec{j}\cdot\vec{i}) +bd(\vec{j}\cdot\vec{j})$ $= ac+bd$, because dot product of i and j will be 0 (i,j vectors are perpendicular), and dot product of itself is magnitude squared, and magnitude of i,j is 1!