Table of Contents


The idea of proof

There are different types of proof, legal, scientific/medical (experimental?), mathematical, etc.

The first two proof are judgements based on probability and not absolute statements.

i.e. for a murder case its the most likely case that the accused did the murder

In comparison a proof of Pythaogras' Theorem isn't having just a single right triangle applying or a thousand right triangles applying, as a single case that exists that disproves the theory would mean all these answer do not apply.

In math, it is a reasoned argument that shows such a theory is true that makes a proof! :)

TLDR A mathematical proof is a

reasoned argument, not an accumulation of evidence. Consequently, the truth of mathematical statements can be known with 100% certainty. A mathematical statement which has been proved to be true is called a theorem. A mathematical statement that is yet to be proved is called a conjecture.

Mathematics has a higher standard of proof than most disciplines

Types of True statements

Theorems build upon other theorems; proof of new theorems rarely refer directly to axioms. It's like a brick tower where the foundation is the axioms and the walls are the theorems. You can trace a theorem from the top to the axioms that help prove it.