Table of Contents


reminder to self - extort the 心 list out of junsung

Listening and Reading Test Vocab

减轻/减少 - reduce, e.g. 减轻压力,reduce pressure (haha haber process compromise amirite)

运动员 - athlete

冲浪 - surfing, stupid sport

户外活动 - outdoor activity

露营 - camping

变成/成为 - become

保持 Bǎochí - keep, maintain, e.g. (i change to e.g. because i know christian will moan about it later) 保持身体, maintain health

兴奋 Xīngfèn - excited

极了Jíle - extremely, i.e. 累极了

沙滩 Shātān - beach

伤心 Shāngxīn - sad

怎么办 Zěnme bàn - what to do

徒步 Túbù - on foot

见面 Jiànmiàn - meet (i know this guys trust)

想办法 Xiǎng bànfǎ - think about how to do something (the something not included)

上网聊天 Shàngwǎng liáotiān - online chat (i also know this one guys)

差不多 Chàbùduō - almost

沟通方式 Gōutōng fāngshì - communication method (online, in person, etc.)

进步 Jìnbù - progress, advancing

夏令营 Xiàlìngyíng - summer camp

交换生 Jiāohuàn shēng - exchange student

。。。种 - 。。。o'clock

才=刚(刚) - just

午睡 - afternoon nap

认真 - conscientious

轻松 - relax

些, “一 + 些” = planned?? (i have no clue what this is, probably wrong)

各有千秋 Gèyǒuqiānqiū - each has their own merits

you do not mark the test ms li does

Writing type things


Text types to revise

Writing guidelines

Listening exercise stuff

两件事 - twoyou things, 件 is the MW.

喜庆团员 Xǐqìng tuányuán - joyful reunion