Table of Contents


Bring in book on Wednesday!

Separation Techniques homework!!!

Structure of the atom & nanomaterials

Electronic configuration:

n = 1 - really strong attraction , n = principle quantum number

goes all the way to n = 6

n = 1 can only hold 2 electrons

n = 2 can hold 8

Aufbau principle??

Big formula!!!

Max electrons in an electron level = $2n^2$

Electron absorption/emissions spectra:

n = 1 is the ground state of all electrons. It can be excited using light, heat, and electrical discharge.

Light is calculated using the formula $c = u\lambda$

c = speed of light

u = frequency

$\lambda$ = wavelength

Maxwell’s law!!

Just because highest energy level is n = 1, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t n = 2, → 5 -> $\infty$

absorption only occurs between particular wavelength, THERE IS NOTHING IN BETWEEN

Bohr’s model was helpful:

It was also revolutionary:

Niels Bohr was a Danish physicist and is considered one of the founding fathers of quantum mechanics, precisely old quantum mechanics

During the Nazi occupation of Denmark in World War II, Bohr escaped to the United States, where he became associated with the Atomic Energy Project.

In his final years, he devoted himself to the peaceful application of atomic physics.

Visible spectra (light)

Isaac Newton was a founding father of modern optics, discovered you can use prisms to split white light and see the visible spectrum.

When light shines through a prism, the light separates into pattern of colours, the pattern of colours is called a spectrum. Each colour of spectrum represents different wave lengths.

memorise the order of colours in spectrum!!