Table of Contents


Essential skills

Properties of matter

Separating Techniques: safety procedures

Bring in STAWA textbook:

15th Feb Tuesday

New Topic - Atomic Structure:


Onenote - Classification of Matter

STAWA - Set 7, 8 pages 127-129, Set 13 pages 136 -138

Pearson Ch 2: Atoms: structure and mass

Week 3.pptx

What is the structure of an atom?

Protons, neutrons and electrons are not evenly distributed in an atom. Most of the volume of the atom is empty space

Protons and neutrons exist in a dense core at the centre of the atom. This is called the nucleus. It is held together by the strong nuclear force.

The electrons are spread out around the edge of the atom. They surround the nucleus in layers called shells or energy levels.

Electron’s relative mass is approximately 1/1840. - negligible

Relative mass is relative to a proton.

Z = atomic number - its on the bottom

A = atomic mass - number of protons + neutrons.


Atoms with the same number of protons (element), and a different number of neutrons.

Isotopic ions

Carbon 12 be like

Carbon 14 is radioactive, used in carbon dating.

$A_r$ = $\frac{(RIM + PercentageAbundance)+.....}{100}$

RIM = Relative Isotopic Mass

Classifications of Matter homework:


Pure substances:



a) A compound is 2 or more elements chemically bonded together, whereas a solution involves a solute dissolving in a solvent, and are not bonded together.

b) No, a solution is a homogenous mixture. The solute and solvent are not chemically bonded together, so they are not a compound, however they are uniform, so it is homogenous. As it is not a pure substance, it must be a mixture.

c) The salt is a compound. As it both released a metal and a gas, this indicates that it is most likely an ionic compound, comprised of a transition metal, and a gas, Chlorine.




Pure substances:




Homogenous mixtures


Heterogenous mixtures


Decanting is a method of separation where gravity is used to separate a solid from a liquid. The liquid is gradually poured out from the solid-liquid mixture.