Table of Contents


Oxidation is Loss, Reduction is Reduced OILRIG

We need to identify when a substance is oxidised or reduced, this is assisted via the use of oxidation numbers.

Electrical energy is produced from potential chemical energy.

There are many types of batteries,

Oxidisation Numbers

Shows number of electrons lost, gained, or shared unequally.

Rules of Oxidisation Number:

Examples: $CuO$ - $Cu$: +2, $O$: -2 Note that this is Copper (II) Oxide.

Sodium Chlorate (I).

Sodium Chlorate (?)

$SO^{-2}_{3}$: $S$: +4

Zinc + Copper (ii) Sulfate ->

$Mg_{(s)} + 2H^{+}{(aq)} \to Mg^{2+}{{(aq)}} + H_{2(g)}$

Mg is the reducing agent, $H_{2}SO_4$ (NOT $H^{+}$ CAN WRITE $H^{+}$ IN $H_{2}SO_4$) solution is the oxidising agent.

$Cu^{2+}$ in $CuCl_{2}$ is the oxidising agent, $SO_{2}$ is the reducing agent

$H_2SO_4$ is oxidising agent, $HI$ is reducing agent.

c) $HI + H_2SO_4 \to H_2S + 4H_2O + 4I_2$

$MnO_{4}^{-} + 8H^{+} + 5\overline{e} \to Mn^{2+} + 4H_{2}O$ $5Fe^{2+} \to 5Fe^{3+} + 5\overline{e}$ $MnO_{4}^{-} + 8H^{+} + 5Fe^{2+} \to Mn^{2+} + 4H_{2}O + 5Fe^{3+}$

Galvanic Cells