Table of Contents


To determine whether something is polar or non-polar, you have to take into account the following:

Looking at symmetry of charges, not the symmetry of molecules.

Dipole is cancelled.

Dipole refers to the slightly negative/positive areas of a molecule

Periodic Trends:

  1. The atomic radius decreases.
  2. The charge of the nucleus increases without significant extra shielding. New electrons do not contribute much to shielding because they are added to the same principal energy level across the period.
  1. The atomic radius increases.
  2. Although the charge on the nucleus increases, shielding also increases significantly. This is because electrons added down the group fill new principle electron levels.

Ionisation Energy:

e.g. $X_{g} \rightarrow X^+_{g}+\bar e^-$

The first ionisation energy of an element is the energy required to remove one mole of electrons from one mole of gaseous atoms.

The first ionisation energy is therefore a measure of the strength of the attraction between the outermost electron and the nucleus.

Effective nuclear charge = Nuclear charge - shielding.

Going across a period, nuclear charge increases.

When atomic radius decreases, electrons become closer and closer to the nucleus. Thus, it would be difficult to remove electrons from an atom.

There is a general increase in the first ionisation energies across periods.

Across period 3, the proton number increases but the amount of shielding does not change significantly. The effective nuclear charge increases.

The greater attraction between the nucleus and the outermost electrons mean

Outer electrons are closer to the nucleus, thus they will experience stronger nuclear attraction, and thus will require more energy to remove from an atom.

Always mention more/less energy required!!!!
