Table of Contents


Question map

  1. What is postcolonial theory, what are it’s general themes
  1. What is colonisation 

 The act of setting and establishing ownership over the indigenous people of a geographical area. (Economic motivation)

  1. What is othering 

Treating an individual or group of people as innately different from oneself or one’s group.

  1. Why did othering happen 
  1. What is colonial education/assimilation 
  1. What is mimicry
  2. What is hybridity and liminality 
  3. What are the effect of this? Exile, unhomeliness, double consciousness 
  4. What are some possible benefits of mimicry

Then when reading literature, ask yourself

  1. How does a text represent colonial oppression
  2. What does it reveal about identity 
  3. How does it suggest anti colonial resistance can occur
  4. How does a text reinforce or undermine Western ideology 

How to apply a theory