Table of Contents


school life 必不可少 - cannot do without 实验 - practical (like for chem) 成就感 - satisfaction (feeling) 头晕脑胀 - 噩梦 - nightmare 兴致索然 - no interest 前因后果 - cause and effect 心血 - lot of effort (in context) 举一反三 - do one question apply it for the rest* 志向 付出 - effort 一份耕耘一份收获 - the effort you put in $\implies$ the result (reap the rewards of your harvest?) 劳逸结合...事半功倍 - rest doubles efficiency 朝督暮责 - from day and night being told to do work* 马马虎虎/粗心大意 - careless 心灰意冷/大跌眼界 - disappointed 无比开心 - very happy 其乐融融

衡量 - balanced 利弊兼具 - pros and cons 超越