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Editor's Note: This is an unformatted dialogue I had with myself while trying to push using Obsidian Git through the school internet, via SSH. I have no clue how it works, for some reason I needed to use the Mac config file? Who knows how that works.

poggg??? (test 2, after restart)

test 3, using school internet (i got beaned by printer notification)


help it doesnt work

looks like my spec stuff didnt transfer ababouey

test1(pure setup): tick test2(after restart): tick test3(using https config file): fail test4(config + remote repo change to https): fail! test5(https but no config): fail test6(mac version of config): tick test6(give config perms): tick? test7(add mac version): tick? test8(restart,no command): tick current conclusion: the following works to push at home:



Port 443

User git

AddKeysToAgent yes

IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

(we have reached day 4 of the struggle with linux, i may or may not have "accidentally" "deleted" a "critical package" from linux and had to reinstall)

the biggest test of them all: school internet

test9(at school): tick test10(second push): tick test11(after restart): tick test11(accept win push): tick