Table of Contents


Periodicity: The occurrence of similar properties in elements occupying similar positions in the periodic table. First ionisation energy: The energy required to remove one mole of the most loosely held valence electron from one mole of gaseous atoms. Electronegativity: The tendency of an atom in a molecule to attract a shared pair of electrons in a covalent bond to itself.


Properties of Matter:


- **Solution:** A mixture in which the solute particles are homogenously distributed throughout particles of solvent
      - Can be solid (e.g. Bronze(Metal alloys)), liquid (e.g. Sea water) or gas (e.g. Air)
- **Aqueous Solution:** Liquid solution where the solvent is water
- **Solvent:** The major component of a solution by mass
- **Solute:** The minor components of a solution by mass
- **Dissolving:** Solid particles are separated and distributed throughout the mixture, increasing solution concentration.
- **Unsaturated:** Contains less solute than the solvent is normally able to dissolve
- **Saturated:** Contain the same amount of solute that the solvent is normally able to dissolve
    - Rate of dissolving and crystallisation are equal
- **Supersaturated:** Contains more solute than the solvent is normally able to dissolve
	- Can be achieved through heating and dissolving, then carefully cooling the solution.

Pure substances: A substance that has a fixed composition. This includes elements and compounds.S

Valency: The combining power of an atom, and is equal to the number of hydrogen atoms it could combine with or displace.

Precipitate: An insoluble solid produced by two solutions being added together.

Mole: The amount of particles of a substance that is equal to the number of particles in 12 grams of Carbon-12.

Physical Properties Copy-Paste Moment