Table of Contents


For this assessment there are FOUR topics. Produce a narrative text in response to ONE of the topics located overleaf. Word count – 1000 words N.B. Your piece can be an extract or exposition. You do not need to write a complete story.

Submission Requirements • This assessment sheet • An edited draft that features clear corrections and/or annotations (All drafts are to be kept) N.B. Failure to submit a draft will incur a 10% penalty. • A final copy of your piece – 1.5 spacing, size 12 Arial font • Your piece must feature a title • Include word count • Authentication

Syllabus content Create imaginative texts, including: • adapting medium, form, style, point of view and language • experimenting with elements of style and voice to achieve specific effects • manipulating literary conventions for different audiences and contexts • reflecting on the ways in which the expectations and values of audiences might shape the created text.

  1. Drawing from your knowledge of the context of one of the texts in the Year 12 Feminist Literature Reader, write a fictional narrative that conveys issues typical of the time. In your authentication, justify your choices. What issues did you determine to be pertinent to the historical/cultural/social/personal space in which the text was created and how have you tried to reflect them in your own writing?

Quick summary of themes in Top Girls

Something these characters have in common is that they have never been able to escape or subvert the patriarchy in any meaningful way which would mean independence and the ability to express oneself freely.

Dinner discussion centres around:

"ballbreaker" - a dominating or threatening woman who destroys a man's self-confidence.

Linking between Dull Gret with Angie(similar), and Isabella Bird and Joyce(polar opposites) in past productions

Marlene is unable to grow out of her lack of morality? She cannot cultivate a perspective on her disregard to her humanity in her pursuit of competitive success in the workplace.

Very stupid idea

Expanding on idea?

Similar (? :|) story: The White Plague (Frank Herbert)

Crimes Against Women: Proceedings of the International Tribunal, Diana E. H. Russell We must realize that a lot of homicide is femicide. We must recognize the sexual politics of murder. From the burning of witches in the past, to the more recent widespread custom of female infanticide in many societies, to the killing of women for 'honor,' we realize that femicide has been going on a long time. But since it involves mere females, there was no name for it until Carol Orlock invented the word 'femicide'.



Final Idea, overlapping with the first one(which is more Churchill-inspired)

IDEA: just like 1000 words of a woman walking down a generic hostile city, perspective is like brutalist and cold and what not and like small discriminatory things and stuff. they are trying to meet a guy probably. Probably an extract of the opening or the middle

Taking inspiration from The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand) and Top Girls

Also the dialogue will probably be like the final dialogue for Top Girls (between Marlene and Joyce)

Drawing from your knowledge of the context of one of the texts in the Year 12 Feminist Literature Reader, write a fictional narrative that conveys issues typical of the time. In your authentication, justify your choices. What issues did you determine to be pertinent to the historical/cultural/social/personal space in which the text was created and how have you tried to reflect them in your own writing?