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yea this is all i do now, respond to spicata

A vague statement

Without loss of generality, I feel it is safe to assume that tutors (especially uni tutors) tutor for 2 reasons:

Hence I will discuss both.


Tutors that are selective give an impression of quality. This is just a fact. From a parent's mindset, if they see a tutor that can and will actively deny their business, supply and demand kicks in, hence their theoretical value increases. This is good for tutors, cause then they can charge much more. For example, lets say there are 4 children, 2 of which are "good". A tutor could charge x`20 per children. They can also choose to refuse the 2 "not good" children and charge 45 per "good" child, and claim the increased price is because they teach "selectively". Quite obviously, the tutor makes more money. You could argue 20 => 45 is egregious however more than 50% of people can be chosen "selectively" and most tutors can theoretically have the same amount of "not good" students and "good" students. I think I've probably conveyed the point though.

TLDR It is profitable to be selective with students. People can be motivated by profits, that completely fine. Unless of course, you are proposing a complete overhaul of the free market in favour of socialist education, to which I say touch grass.


Tutors(like me(i only tutor fred)) actually enjoy tutoring sometimes. I understand you don't understand as you have probably not tutored anyone except your sister, however from my experience it is easier to teach people who are "capable", "intelligent", "passionate", etc. I'd like to add I'm using quotation marks because I don't really believe these adjectives have much meaning. In my mind, anyone can achieve the success that they want if they put in the effort and are supported by strong foundations(resources, teachers, etc.).

Anyways, just imagine spending hours repeating the same topic to students who honestly don't give a damn about a subject. To tutors, who generally tutor in the subjects which they really care about, this lack of interest is kinda disrespectful. It's not cool that the tutor has to spend time and effort and have all this learning be lost on the student.

"Good" students are different. They (probably(fred)) care about the subjects they get tutored in. They can advance themselves with the support of their tutors, and tutors can thus derive the satisfaction of helping their students thrive.

TLDR It is more enjoyable to tutor selective students.


We live in a democracy.

Let tutors do whatever.