Table of Contents


something to keep in mind

Snap elections are cool. They are fine. I have nothing wrong with them. I find nothing wrong with being removed out of power. You guys voted me in, its fair that you can vote me out. But before you do so, I'd ask that you choose wisely. Democracy is great and all, but what's most important is that you use your vote well, i.e. you understand what you are voting for and are not just acting on your biases or the persuasion of other people.

Anyways, this will kinda be a rebuttal to Christian's party thingmabob.

Also also. Seriously? Accusing me of "rashness and plotting and couping"? Bro, you came up with the idea of couping Shan Mei like 2 days after YOU made her mayor. And that isn't rash? That isn't plotting a coup? How laughable. For someone who's trying to work towards an interior motive that we both know, this is just a sad excuse for populism.

you want to party? Then party

I don't disagree with this point. Parties are cool 🎉🎉🎉. Sure you can wait for Christian to get elected, but why wait, when we can party literally at any time. There is a call for a reason, and although it wasn't intended for partying its not like I'm going to stop you. (Just don't party too hard you don't want a hangover before exams)

progress? its been 3 days...

I'm all for progress. It's literally why I ran for office; to make pushing legislation easier. But cmon man. Give me a break. It's exam season. You wanna coup me? Please do so with some decency and hold the vote after exams.

And seriously? I know I promised quite a lot of reforms, but it's exam period, I've been busy. The progress will come, but later. Anyways, this is not a one-person job. You want to make reforms? Hold the vote yourself.

I know what I'll say next is a little biased, but I feel its right to say so. It's not entirely my fault that there isn't much progress. And the fact that Christian is accusing my administration of not moving fast enough, despite having a good idea and not proposing it/consulting me, makes me feel that this is more of a talking point for christian to get elected then something he actually believes in...

Anyways, that immigration policy he proposed? Solid idea. I'm working on some legislation to put to a vote that will help with this.

i love people (in particular korean men)

Christian seems to love to talk about unity. But, where is the unity here? He didn't even try to discuss with me. To collaborate. Which hurts a little :(

This leads me to the following conclusion. Christian does not care about unity. He cares solely about unity with him at the centre. Once again, it's all about power for him.


Fine. I'll add a role for votes, and that one is the one that will be pinged. And that will be enforced.

hes actually doing it


I have photos, some of which I have already sent to people, that prove that this whole "peace and partying" agenda is all a façade. That this is all part of Christian's plan to do something much more sinister. That Christian is using this image of being an individual of peace to fulfil a much more disgusting, pathetic kink of his.

But, out of my own respect for Christian, I'm not going to distribute these photos. I'll only do so if I think that Christian is not representing his true intentions and using that to manipulate others.

sudo rm -rf politics.exe

So, Christian claims that his party will tear at the political battlefield of the town. Ok. That's fair.

Question. Why is he then making this big political move against me? That doesn't seem to be very "chill".

And bruh. When the vote failed, he started saying stuff like:

And then when I tried to compromise:

If you ask me, that doesn't seem mature, or mayor-like.

So. What will I do about this? Well, if you don't want politics, then fine. Tell me. And I'll make sure we don't have to vote on anything for a long time.


I am officially leaving the quartz "party". It was never really a party, more like a subcommunity within a community. Christian has shown that he does not intend to keep the town democratic and prosperous. Hence, I will be forming a new party, the "gaming" party.

The gaming party will pledge to play putt party almost every night. By almost, I mean 5 times a week. People get busy, can't do it all the time you know. It's a little unhealthy.

The gaming party also pledges to defend and cultivate the town's democracy. We shall be a bulwark against cringelords who want to see everything burn, and unperceptive idiots who don't think before doing things (because people who don't think before they act are the most dangerous).

a message to chen

Well. If you really believed in peace, freedom, and tearing down the politicisation of the town, you would've at least talked to me. But you didn't. Clearly all you want is power (and something even more cringe).

We could've worked together, but you didn't even make an attempt to discuss with me. You've shown your hand, and so I will work to ensure you never take control of the town, because you'll only destroy what we have all worked for.

With love(including dasindu cause why not hes cool)
