Table of Contents



Anyone can hold a vote, but they must adhere to the following stipulations

While, as shown below, removing a member is a possibility, there are some punishments and actions that cannot be ratified by a vote, which are as follows:

A simple majority of greater than 50% of town members is required (absences are considered votes against). Once that majority is secured, the stipulations of the vote immediately become a rule/law and will be placed below this document. As soon as >50% of town members vote no, the vote fails and cannot be raised again for 3 more days.

The mayor

... The mayor has no other powers, and does not have the right to remove members of the town.

The mayor will also serve as the "head moderator" of the town discord, and has the right to appoint other moderators at their discretion. As a result, the mayor has executive privilege to make decisions on the discord, which may be repealed by the people via a standard vote.


Once a new mayor is elected, they get a 1 week immunity, where snap elections cannot be called against them.

Once a vote to remove a mayor fails, the incumbent gets a 1 week immunity.

Admin aboos

The mayor, and other "moderators" appointed by the mayor, are not allowed to engage in what will be described as "admin abuse".

So that members can check whether admin abuse is occurring, the audit logs for the discord must be kept available to members at all times.

The stipulations of admin abuse are as follows:

In the event of admin abuse from a moderator, it is expected that the mayor bars the said moderator from admin privileges. Failure to do serves as legitimate reason for a snap election.

The office of the mayor

The mayor reserves the right to delegate aspects of their power to a collection of individuals which form what will be referred to as the "mayor office". An example "mayor office" is shown below: Key: Bold = Essential

The mayor also has the power to make deals with entities inside and outside of the town at their own discretion. (They must publish them on tho)

Discord vs Github

This constitution and subsequent amendments only affects the town discord. Affiliated github organisations are not considered under the legal jurisdiction of the town constitution, and so the mayor and speaker do not necessarily have any elevated privileges within said github organisation.

Requirements for membership

In order to join the town, members must submit an application (doesn’t need to be too complicated), and members must vote on it. A simple majority will suffice, as long as most people vote and more people are in favour than against. If there are 3 or more people against allowing a person to join, the town will engage in a discussion in order to make the vote as unanimous as possible.

The New Immigration Policy

You need just three people to back you in order to join the Town. It is that simple, just 3. In case you need help, one of these people will be tasked with helping you set up your website, and the other two (preferably more experienced) will supervise. Everything will (hopefully) be dealt with within this system of helpers.


This is a very simple rule. IF someone posts nemu content on the discord server, THEN they can be muted or kicked or banned at the mayor's office's discretion.

This overrules any prior agreements.