Table of Contents



The town is a democracy. Hooray!!

But how come I don't feel any more democratic than before?

There is an issue. And I partly take blame for this issue. I didn't word the constitution as well as I should've, and that has led to some confusion. However I would be lying to myself if I took all the "credit". Because the real issue here is competency.

What is right vs... what is right???

It is right to want a democracy. That is fair. But we have to ask ourselves, is it practical? Is it morally just to appoint someone into positions of power when they have no clue what they are doing? Sure, they are popular enough not to get kicked out immediately. But they lack the understanding of how to lead and so their placement into power is simply untenable.

This is more prescient for the town. While we don't claim to be like a big, elitist, techie group, we kinda are. Hopefully not the elitist bit, but to create a website to the "standard" (I guess notions and wixes are allowed now, but this is in reference to Jekyll, Quartz, etc. sites) that we pride ourselves on, the leader needs to actually be competent in these things.

Consider to back when we had Christian. Sure, I hated him because he was a dictator. But there's no denying that he knew his stuff. He knew how to make Jekyll websites, and the likes.

He was a competent leader. And the town needs competent leaders.

A thought experiment

Imagine this. Its like 8pm. You've come home from doing whatever (you(I) dont remember). You've been fighting against dictatorship for a few weeks, and you return to see that its completely fallen apart. Power has fractured, and someone else holds the crown. What do you do? Do you push for more? Do you threaten the stability of the town for an almost eternal crusade for democracy?

Or do you let it go? Do you give the un-elected individual a chance to thrive? A chance to prove themselves capable, and unite the people.

Would you turn a blind eye?

I did. I gave the benefit of the doubt, but it has become clear that the leader has not risen to the occasion. They have not filled the role of a capable head of the town.

Another motive: g*nsh*in

The town is not racist. There is nothing (actually i jest there is a lot) wrong with Genshin. But it is not the game I am morally opposed to, but the degeneracy that precedes it. Genshin is an addiction, and the people that worship it have no place in our town. Hence, this declaration will have a secondary vote; to ratify and enforce a strict genshin ban. People who are found having genshin-related stuff on their website will be asked once - remove it or we will remove you. Failure to comply will mean a vote will be held to remove that individual, and this vote will require a 50% majority instead of the usual 70%.

In summary

I, and in agreement with the "bipartisan" elements of the town (quartz and jekyll) have come to the conclusion that immigration to the town recently has been out of control and certain motions have gone ahead without the proper voting mechanisms. As a result, I will be seeking election as mayo in order to readjust the trajectory of the town towards a stronger democracy and to ensure the continued stability of the town's governance.

The vote

This declaration can be considered a snap election vote with the intention of removing Shan-Mei as the "mayo" of the town and replacing her with Ed(thats me guys how crazyyyy).

If this declaration is ratified by the required >50% yes votes needed, it goes into effect immediately.

The voting period is 3 days.

A final note

I have no interest in being the town's mayo permanently. I only want to be an interim as the town really fleshes out its democratic institutions, and in due course I will appoint a successor in my stead, one that will ensure our security and continuing stability, for a safe and secure society.