Table of Contents


this is quite long. big philo

Death to Copyright

I don't like copyright.

I guess I'm fine with the whole commercial copyright, people gotta be incentivised to make stuff. And copyright ensures that their invention will keep their coffers full till they drop dead.

But I am wholly against the copyright of educational resources.

History has shown that societal progress and all the benefits of such progress (higher standard of living, greater opportunity, in particular cool science things) is driven by innovation. But to be innovative requires a strong understanding of the field you are trying to innovate in. In a rather massive, impersonal society such as ours, The only way to provide such understanding to a young population is via education.

Thus, my position is that education is the most crucial resource to a society, as it pulls us forwards into the future.

But educational copyright, as I like to call it, puts restraints on the accessibility of education. Quite obviously, when we put a paywall on higher education, we disadvantage those who cannot afford it.

Hence, the goal of this website is to make my knowledge free and accessible. I can't write a book and then make it free, that would be rather expensive. So I guess this is the next best option.

Become big brain

I don't like being stupid.

This website is made using Obsidian. I have an Obsidian vault with Obsidian Git that pulls the funny md pages to github, which then converts it into a website format via Hugo, the last part is thanks to Quartz :)

Anyways, I use Obsidian cause Christian Choe told me it will make me big brain.

I've used it for almost a year, but I don't feel that my brain has become bigger. Nevertheless, I have faith.

I have a dream.

That I'll finally create a simplistic and user-friendly labelling system for my notes.

From there, my brain will truly become massive.


I don't like other people.

Haha just kidding. I find other people bearable.

A certain "M.Spicata" has been yapping on about a betternet. Personally, I don't give a solid damn about the internet, or other people. But I think this whole community analogy is quite cute, if not redundant and overtly romanticised.

You may notice I have previously written on how to setup a website via obsidian and github. This is because I believe in helping others achieve their goals. I want to see more people make personal websites where they share things (notes, blogs, etc. (maybe not blogs, they are cringe(wait i write blogs, does that mean i am cringe???))). I think a collective pooling of resources scattered on the internet is pretty poggers.

Online Bartering

I don't like people who take and never give.

These people are kinda greedy(shocker). From an ethical perspective, it's purely egotistical to take the hard work of others and never return the favour. Such a mindset is driven by a desire to succeed, AND trample over others, which is a little unhealthy.

However, my notes are on the internet, so I can't really stop you from taking.

But I can request.

Please don't come here for free notes. Help me make this website even better by contributing notes.

Be like Ariz. (cool, jacked, based, etc.)

With love(and hatred towards dasindu),
