Table of Contents


Might want to get a cup of tea before reading. This is gonna be a doozy.


Hello! Now I don't really know why I'm writing this. I guess I just feel like it? I want to put to words how I'm feeling towards the end of 2023, with around 3/4s of the year essentially having passed.

As a student, I'm mainly going to be talking about how I feel I'm doing in my subjects. But, if you're a little bored and really don't care about how I'm doing academically, I'm also gonna talk about how I feel as of now, and my plans for the future. Surprise update at the end!?!?!?



Eh. It'll be alright. I uhh kinda goofed the calc test. Silly me. Won't happen again. Also, I dunno how to feel about everyone getting 10 marks for the last question. That's a little weird. I feel this whole thing could've been avoided if they... wrote the test properly. But oh well. That's how methods is I guess.


Hmm. Based on my average, it's not going well. Clearly, I have a time issue for spec. Nevertheless, I think I just need to work on spec more. Doing more Cambridge chapters under timed conditions, etc. etc. The investigation was quite funny. Of course Mr Dean talked about a sustainability garden. Very awesome, and characteristic. It was an easy investigation, but I was quite silly cause I wrote like a page and a half for 5 marks. I could've just written the answer, which I certainly knew how to do. Silly silly me. As a result, I had to do the last page in like 3 minutes. Not fun, but I think I did alright.


I'm working on it. Chinese is hard man :(


I wouldn't know. We are three assessments overdue in terms of getting our marks back. At least Ms Coney is giving us candy :)))


Going... well?!??!? My average increased thanks to the nuclear topic test from last term. I think I'm well prepared for the electricity cap. Not sure about the investigation part of that assessment tho. I kinda suck as sis. Something to fix later.


Now this is the important one. I think it's going well. I'd say I put in a little more time into chem and aren't reaping much rewards, but my average is close to 90% and that's good enough for me. 0.2% off Pranav. I'm coming.

The stupid wine investigation is sort of a let down. But hey, there aren't any more sis investigations anymore!!!!! So now I can really bump up my average with organic 🙏


As of now, I feel quite happy. I feel relieved and free. I don't have to twist and contort my personality and identity to meet the expectations of others anymore. And I feel loved by my friends. Very awesome.

Although I may seem sad in person, I'm really not. I'm probably just a little stressed with all the assessments. Instead I feel really quite content. I feel closer to my friends then ever before.

The future

I want to set out a plan. From now till the end of next holidays. This is gonna be a mix of both academic and personal (coding) projects and goals.