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dutch democracy amirite!


Dutch democracy is cracked, and I feel that people overlook this.

Imagine Australia elects a government, and then they do something sus and make a specific voting group angry. Unfortunately for that voting group, Australia is a two-party state, hence to not support the government(suppose it is the Labour party) would be to support the opposition(Liberals), and thus support all these other opposition policies that they don't necessarily agree with.

This isn't how it works in the Netherlands!!

The big guy, Mark Rutte, did something sus. He make farmers go angy. Some guy was like "ah climate change ammonia emissions reduction can't be met" and Rutte was like "oh then lets tell the Haber processing till they've Haber processed their way into extinction" and place restrictions on farmer things.

Farmer don't like when government do bad thing to them.

What would they do in Australia? Support the Nationals. And the farmers who didn't believe in the whole "social conservatism" stuff would just have to suck it.

What would they do in the Netherlands. Form a new political party. And the fact that they can just do that is bloody amazing and I don't think people realise how amazing that is.

Why is it cool to form a new party?

Taking a look at the Dutch parliament, one will realise that there are quite a few parties.

Compared to Australia, which has like only 4 main parties, and is heavily skewed to the Labour and Liberal parties, the Dutch have so many damn parties. And they all get moderate amounts of representation!

Suppose the current Australian government did something bad. I dunno, maybe they said that nurses were going to prevent Australia from reaching the nurse emissions limit, hence nurses were restricted. There wouldn't be a nurse party, because nurses know damn well that such a party will never have enough power to change anything.

In this case, the Dutch government made the farmers angry, and they formed their own party and voted freely, knowing that their party has a chance to win. What did that result in? This.

Why does this matter?

The Dutch government is structured in a way that the Dutch people have much more sway over the government. With regional elections being commonplace, the Dutch people have the power to cripple the Dutch government, and let Mark Rutte know that they don't like what he's gonna doing.

We simply don't have that option here


Let's fix our democracy. Have it so that minor parties are a viable choice, so that people that deeply care about a particular issue can support a party that fundamentally focuses on that issue.

We already have a cracked voting system. Now we need to change the voting environment.

Yea im gonna go back to reading 1984 now
