Table of Contents


christian's idea (kdr)

Fred's eyes are shiny. They are funny. They are brown.

I believe they are somewhat related to his mother's. However, I did not pass biology in yr 10, hence I cannot tell you about genetics.

He has glasses.

His glasses are weird

He has an umbrella

He holds his umbrella in the middle of the day

He is scared about skin cancer

(i hope he gets skin cancer)

Anyways, let's talk about ethics!!!!

Good vs Bad

It is well established in Western society, that murder is bad. However, in non-Western (Eastern) society, murder is also bad.

Hence, to murder, is bad.

Thank you. Please give me medal.

Kill Death Ratio

Everyone has a kill death ratio. It should be noted, that you can either has 0 deaths or 1 death.

It follows that a single murderer has a KDR or 1:0.

I, for example have a KDR or 100442:0 0:0. I have not murdered anyone. And I am still alive.

The truth

Dividing by 0 yield infinity. 0:0 implies 0 divided by 0 which implies infinity. Hence, my KDR is actually infinity.

This applies for everyone that is alive. That is right.

Everyone that is alive has a KDR of infinity.



the end

With love(but not for dasindu)
