Table of Contents


Econ Class 11

Aggregate Demand and Supply

This is not assessed!!!!!!!!! HOWEVER, using it is good in the assessment, but will not be marked down for not using it. Don't lose marks for getting it wrong.

Fiscal policy is when government changes G2 to boost or lower economic activity. G1 is essentially constant.

Aggregate Demand curve: how to change it

What is aggregate supply?

Note: when supply curve moves to left, this is called a supply shock.

==Fiscal policy is demand-side!!!==

Aggregate supply can increase, but it does so if:

Fiscal policy's purpose is to maintain stability in an economy via impacting economic activity, and to meet the government objectives.

Fiscal Policy (finally)

The purpose of fiscal policy is to affect the level of economic activity, and meet the government's economic projections/objectives.

Budget: statement of expected revenue and expected expenditure over the financial year.

When budget is written, the parts for G1 things are pretty accurate, as they have good enough data on the things already. However, things like unemployment benefits are usually inaccurate, as this could be changed by changes in the economy.