Table of Contents


Econ Class 1

Supply and demand mainly affects global prices and not the price of its components

e.g. oil price dropped, but petrol price is still high due to demand for petrol cost is related to cost for refining oil made months ago, that was more expensive

Trade is how we achieve economic growth

In economics you should:
- adopt different perspectives when analysing situations
- evaluate the benefits and costs of individual and social choices
- examine and understand how certain events and issues are related

Economics is:

Scarcity is important

Two main branches of economics:

The Basic Economic Problem (BEP)

Relative scarcity: based on relationship between wants and resources

**Resources are scarce relative to the demand for goods and services**
**Opportunity cost is the real cost of the next best alternative (in the scale of preference) that is forgone in order to obtain more of something else.**

Resources have alternative uses, but,

These alternative uses have **varying degrees of efficiency**.
When moving resources around, efficiency may be affected, and **the output may be affected**.

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**What is the different between a product market and a factor market?**
**Answer: Product market sells consumable products e.g. foods, while factor market sells resources, e.g. labour**

Production Possibility Curve/Frontier:

Exam Q: "to illustrate the possibility of opportunity cost, use model." PPF is the model you should use NOTE: If you are on any point on the PPF, then you have utilized all your resources to produce that combination of goods. Thus, any point on a PPF is the most efficient point.

Points inside the curve represent inefficiencies. Here, not all resources are being utilized.

Points **outside the curve** are **impossible.**

Trade is important, because other countries can be more efficient at producing something than you.

title: Research
**Law of diminishing returns**

$\frac{(a^{4}\times a^{-9})^{\frac{1}{2}}}{a^2}$