Table of Contents


Comp Sci 6


What is a network?

Two or more technological devices become connected to each other. The way they are connected to each other is considered transmission media.

There are 2 types of transition media:

Important concept: Protocols

Protocols have names and numbers, e.g. ip.

IPV4 is made of 32 bits,

byte is 8 bits, each bit is a number. These numbers can be an address. this amount of possibilities allows for multiple options

But we are running out of addresses, so we make IPV6, with 128 bits, but this is too big, so we use hexadecimal.

This is all part of a protocol.

How to connect to the internet?

A modem connects to the internet.

Modem stands for modulator-demodulator, it modulates from analogue to digital, and then demodulates from digital to analogue.

In our home, we only have one device, called a router. The role of the router is sending packages of data to all the devices in a network.

What is a firewall? It is a software. It filters packages and checks if they are malicious packages or not. Will prevent viruses, malware, etc. that could possibly attack the local network

These 3 devices, a modem, firewall, and router, make up the things that link devices to the internet.

But there are more complex components of a local network.

We will use cisco to map out these networks.

Our "stupid computers" connect to the internet via the Wireless Access Point.

But, if we were to send files to the shared storage for example, we don't use internet.

Servers are computer with a lot of memory and space, and serve as storages for data. The shared drive stores data on the server.