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consider this a resignation of mayo office if you will

I will probably be leaving the town, unless I come to my senses tomorrow. But I probably won't change my mind. I'm kinda sick of the whole mentality of being dominated by Christian and his erratic ideas.

Ever since Christian started being a little aggressive with his control over the Town, it's become toxic beyond belief. I literally can't even share and contribute notes without both being criticised and then threatened to be removed from the town. Now I'm not even sure I want a website anymore, if people are going to be this mean :(

I believe in free education. I believe in free speech. I believe in critical discourse. But this is too far. I have a right to my own work, and I have a right to that work being respected.

I don't hold any resentment towards the majority of the town people. They are just there for the ride. But I think I'm going to move away from the town. Settle down somewhere better and make my own place on the internet.

In truth, I want to be able to control who sees my website to a greater extent. I don't think Github is able to offer this. Furthermore I want to decrease visibility of the code (and the md files) so that people like Christian can't just look at old versions and take things I've asked not to use.

For the rest of the town, I'm still here if you need any coding help. I am glad to help people set up their own websites, regardless of whether they align with the town or not.

The town had so much potential. It probably still does. Maybe it can thrive without me. But I can't stand to be there anymore, given how unequal it is, how I and my intellectual work is being mistreated for an agenda I don't fully agree with.

I still have dreams of a decentralised mechanism, of a town that has reached its true potential. Those dreams will never die, and I will work to see that dream reached.

I wanted to integrate the town with CARD and the Past Papers drive, to make something truly great, and to prove that you don't need to pay to have good resources. I guess that dream is still attainable, just without the town.

I'm sure this seems like a very silly, childish reaction. But no, I've been thinking about this for a long time. Ever since it first happened, the thought that Christian, or other people, could just take my work for granted and worst of all, against my own will, disgusted me in a way that was both infuriating and melancholic (thanks christian).

I truly wish all the members of the town the best. It would be truly rewarding to see in a few months (or weeks) that the town is prospering, and that for a brief moment I was part of it.

I desperately wish the town could've been as I hoped; safe, collaborative, encouraging, etc. Maybe that was too much to ask. But that's all right.

Hoping for a better future,

a very sadge ed

to be free