Table of Contents


in reference to christian's article

what follows is a visualised welcome, where interjections will be notated via brackets.

Welcome! As a founding member of the town, it is my honour to welcome you to our fine establishment.

It's tough living in the desert(school). Gusts of wind(assessments) and even mighty sandstorms(exams) have ravaged the land beyond recognition.

Yet, we still stand. Slightly bruised, but flourishing none-the-less.

You may be curious how this little settlement in the middle of nowhere came to fruition. Well, it started with two.

Me, and Christian saw what others didn't. While they saw this place as a barren wasteland(school) where people go to die, we saw this as a utopia in the waiting. A land of safety, freedom, and refuge from the terrible sandstorms that run amok.

So we set up here. You can see his house and his store right around the corner.

I'll be truthful with you. There were actually 4 founders. It's just that two of them(mace, osacr) haven't been seen in a while. They may be dead(given up), they may have moved out of town(focus on academics). Who knows? Their houses are locked, so we can't check on them. And I dare not commit breaking and entering.

Their houses are still visible from the town square. You can see mace's on the hill over there, right next to osacr's.

In the past few days or so, we've been incredibly lucky. My (jzhao's(this is not an interjection this is the truth i literally stole jzhao's template)) house designs seem to have piqued the interests of some nearby nomads(non-website owners, who live in the desert). In fact, my good friend from work Thomas has emigrated to our town for a life away from the desert. His house is right next to mine! Luckily for us, Thomas is a great architect(coder), and his house is already looking good.

Luckily for the town, my "colleague" has also set up shop here. His calls himself the "Reaper", and he's a cool guy. He likes tanks. Who doesn't?

I got an odd request from an old friend of mine. He also decided to take refuge in the town, but currently he's living in a shell of a house. His name is jlee. Hopefully he starts putting some walls up(website content) in time for the upcoming sandstorm.

Update: His house is now looking a little more secure. Good on him.

A visitor came to the town. They decided to set up here. You can see her house right over here. They also play a lot of instruments. Based storage I may have asked her to come and live in this town. Maybe. I may have "nagged" her. Just a little. Very very slightly.

I'm an entrepreneurial individual. I sell tea and spaghetti.

You may have heard that my house is quite volatile. That it has burnt down twice. This is fake news. Absolute rubbish.

Anyways, another friend of mine set up shop in this town of ours. But, he kinda owes a lot of debt to this random company in America. I think his house is co-owned by said company. He lives far off from the centre of the town. He's often forgotten. His name is dasindu.

Reportedly, Dasindu has plans to relocate to an even better house on a more scenic location. He's been talking about it quite frequently in our town gatherings, and has been talking to M.Spicata about his plans. M.Spicata tells me that he's been doing most of the work. Certified Dasindu NPC moment.

Some weird chicken farmer came to settle here. He's Japanese so naturally I'm a little suspcious (have not forgotten the 2nd Sino-Japanese war), but he seems like a cool guy. He loves making me- I mean chemistry jokes. Yeah. Chemistry jokes. He set up over here, and when he arrived he went around giving bread and salt to everyone (haha subtle german reference cause chicken farmer(no one will get the reference (and the reference inside the reference dammit))).

Some weird guys showed up. They kept on talking about "moving points"(like what?), and they have a lot to talk about. Hey, at least they asked me to help them set up in the town. You can find my love and the other weird guy in the distant horizon.

Update: The weird guy bribed me, so now he is not in the distant horizon anymore, he is in fact relocated to the centre of the town!

That's all of the houses in town as of now. Let's talk about something else.

Just some context about how the town is structured. The 4 founders live in what's called the old side of the town. Dasindu also lives here, but he's a bit far back. The new settlers(Thomas, Jlee, Reaper, etc.) reside in what's called the new side of the town.

All citizens of the town offer their own unique wares for your perusal. You may stay as long as you like, and just so you know it's all free. I think.

There's plenty of space in the new side of town. Please, if you're sick of struggling in the desert, come to us. We welcome you with open arms. We'll even help you in building your house. I'm known to help out occasionally, same as Christian.

Maybe someday we'll be able to live like the nomads. To be one with the harsh desert environment.

Like Dune.

By Frank Herbert

Anyone else think the Dune franchise peaked after the first 2 books? Like what the heck? Chapterhouse? Wacky Noah's arc in space?

With love(but not for dasindu),

Ed, a founder of The Town