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title: "02-02-2023 Some thoughts on working better"

I should add this really only applies to me. Maybe you're like me though.

Schedules suck

I dont like meticulous planning. I thought I did, but I dont. I think the whole figuring out the exact hours you're gonna put into a single subject place restrictions on that subject and cause internal pressures, quite similarly to when you apply force to glass. The glass develops these internal pressures which causes the glass to become much weaker than it was original, and can lead to it breaking unexpectedly. Anyways, schedules suck.

Agenda based system may work

Here's the thought process. No spreadsheet of hours. Just a list of things to do and the self control to attempt to do those things. Currently I plan to use some sort of a priority system, that will indicate due dates. For example, p1 would be due the day after, p2 within the week, p3 2 weeks and so on.

Does this work?

I'll try it tomorrow. Right now I'm quite tired and don't have the energy to set these things up.

Well, damn.

It's 2 days later. I haven't started. Band is quite mentally draining. I'll figure it out tomorrow and write up all the stuff. But now I've been looking into todoist integrations, which could potentially be cool, or could potentially be a massive time-sink for little reward. I think the idea is sound, it's just I need to find the self motivation to do things. :(


I've decided to turn this into a log of sorts regarding productivity. Hey this could literally be a blog! Haha just kidding blogs are for losers

Anyways I found this app on Android called Forest. Its kinda pommodorro but not pommodorro and its just a timer that "grows trees" and kills trees if you get distracted. Kinda cool. Got me thinking about being more focused when studying.

Anyways anyways, I think this whole to-do list is a good idea. Also Christian gave me some sticky notes so I'll try to use that. By "use" I mean I leave them on my computer and write small tid-bits that can be useful.

Anyways anyways anyways, I've been quite productive recently, doing chem and stuff. Hopefully this sticks and I manage to productify myself into making a decent system.


So I've been very busy in the past few days, i.e. so busy I haven't been able to do anything but work. I guess this is a good system? But I've found this methodology of mindlessly doing stuff for the sake of doing inefficient and often missing the point. Not poggers. But now its the weekend, maybe some miracle idea will hit me.

I am considering using Amie because it looks cool and todoist is expensive. But essentially I'm looking for something that will send notifications to my Samsung watch because I keep forgetting my classes :(


Since I want to integrate quartz into this, I may have to completely scratch the whole folder thing in place of organisational nodes. I wanted the folders cause I wanted to use the funny plugin I found (rapid notes) but I guess it's not really worth saving a few seconds in place of having the majority of my website be depreciated. Shame.


I am considering making some sort of indux/nexus file which is like a directory to all the possible topics. It should be sorted quite like the page, and link to all possible topics, even the weird "rabbit holes".

The Goal

Here is my goal for the grand reformation, i.e. the upgrade from v.2 to v.3 I will make it so that every single page in my vault is accessible via graph nodes, and every single page is linked and formatted. I have a weekend to do so before I have to get into studying for assessments. I don't think I can do it but I'll definitely do my best.


Woah its been exactly a month!!

Let me recap what's happened so far:

So how have I been productivity wise?

Not that great.

I've been bogged down by assessments, but now I have a free week. So now would be a great time to contemplate some other methods of working better. Here's one I came up with in the shower:

Benefits: Not specific Drawbacks: How to motivate oneself to do work? Kinda applies to everything. How do solve this? No Clue.